Digital Transformation in Pathology
Get the inside track on digital pathology. This podcast is essential listening for anyone wanting to increase their knowledge about this field. Hear from expert guests and benefit from in-depth discussions.
How image analysis and artificial intelligence support digital pathology-enabled precision medicine today and what to expect in the future
From digital microscopy to digital pathology through image analysis. How far have we come in 20 years?
Immuno-oncology basics and how image analysis can help
What to consider when choosing an image analysis solution for phenotyping
How to make sense of multiplex data with phenotyping
Introduction to multiplex for tissue image analysis
Reimbursement for digital pathology in the clinic – how does that work?
Why and how should pathologists keep up with AI?
Why and how is AI taking over the tissue image analysis field?
Why and how should digital pathology be implemented into clinical practice?
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Digital Transformation in Pathology