The Last Tranche with Oaktree's Jones: why CLO equity is attractive again
The Last Tranche with YMER's Warzynski: we like primary equity again
The Last Tranche with JP Morgan's Ferris: new managers should focus on equity
The Last Tranche with Octagon's Lam: CLO equity makes sense again
The Last Tranche with New Mountain's Kline and Moshiri
The Last Tranche with Pearl Diver's Layton: its not about tiering, its about portfolio construction
The Last Tranche with Sound Point's Desai: the wrong CLO equity investment strategies will see negative returns
The Last Tranche with Eagle Point's Ko: We haven't made a primary CLO equity investment in nine months
The Last Tranche with Blackstone's Zable: regional banking volatility could lead to tighter triple A pricing in CLOs
The Last Tranche with Octaura's Bejile: most mutual funds regard loans as illiquid because of long settlements
The Last Tranche with MidOcean's Rotondo: retail bid is the wildcard in leveraged loan market
The Last Tranche with AlbaCore's Cohen Malka: The UK gilts crisis showed the CLO market is more liquid than people thought
The Last Tranche with Bain's Wright: We're likely to see manager consolidation as the benefits of scale come to bear
The Last Tranche with Octagon's Nechamkin: Investors were selling the larger loans that were easier to sell
The Last Tranche with Sycamore Tree's Parker: It's a question of when, not if, a recession hits the US economy
The Last Tranche with CVC's Bergstresser: the CLO market will continue to function amid Ukraine crisis
The Last Tranche with Napier Park's Secmen: Tailwinds fuelling the CLO market are masking manager incompetence
The Last Tranche with New Mountain's Moshiri: New CLO managers may increase risk if they do not have stable equity capital
The Last Tranche with Capital Four's Skødeberg and Wiant: 26% of new European loans have ESG-linked margin ratchet, and the US could follow fast
The Last Tranche with Bardin Hill's Raciti: For-profit prisons are classified as construction and have some of the best ESG scores
The Last Tranche with Tetragon's Michalczuk and Pang: Every missed quarterly payment can reduce CLO equity IRRs by up to 100bp
The Last Tranche with Antares' Seth Painter: we could start to see syndicated middle market CLO equity
The Last Tranche with Carlyle's Basmadjian: We are in the expansion phase of a new credit cycle
The Last Tranche with Pretium's Goss: Airlines are the barometer for the reopening trade
The Last Tranche with Hildene's Jain: Cirque Du Soleil shows CLOs do not have to lose out in a restructuring
The Last Tranche with Sancus's Chernova: most CLO trades are still conducted in an extremely inefficient manner
The Last Tranche with CIFC's Huang: CLO valuations are often based on unreliable data
The Last Tranche with Sound Point's Ketchum: CLOs have fortress-like capital structures
The Last Tranche with Flat Rock's Bates: mid-market CLO equity proves advantageous in crisis
The Last Tranche with Guggenheim's Duffy: CLOs will pay more for loans than today’s index prices