Love & Truth Network Podcast
Love & Truth Network presents wisdom for experiencing relational and sexual wholeness by following God's path.
Search episodes
91: Why Nothing Replaces the Church | Mike Manzie & Garry Ingraham
90: Impacts of Male Sexual Abuse on Heterosexual Men | Mike Manzie & Garry Ingraham
89: Helping an LGBTQ Person? | Debra Baty, Mark Ongley, Garry Ingraham
88: The Horrors of Childhood Sexual Abuse | Love & Truth Network
87: Inner Healing Needs To Happen | Love & Truth Network
86: Daughters Need Their Daddies, Part 2 | Love & Truth Network
85: Daughters Need Their Daddies, Part 1 | Kathy Grace Duncan & Garry Ingraham
84: The Beautiful & Tragic Story of the UMC | Rev Tom Lambrecht & Garry Ingraham
83: Why Church Splits Happen | Reverend Rob Renfroe & Garry Ingraham
82: Purpose in Sanctification | Karen Booth & Garry Ingraham
81: Pray The Gay Away? Absolutely Not | Debra Baty & Garry Ingraham
80: Missing Our Father's Love | Brett Martin & Garry Ingraham
79: Lesbian & Hispanic, Can We Help? | Bianca Barrow & Jeremiah Sheppard
78: Why Do We Need Apologetics? | Robby Lashua & Garry Ingraham
77: Pastor to Pastor, Our Country Needs Help | Pastor Tom Brock & Garry Ingraham
76: Struggles of LGBTQ Parenting | Melinda Patrick & Garry Ingraham
75: Persevering Despite Sexual Affliction | Ashley Little & Garry Ingraham
74: Sanctification Beyond Sexuality | Ted Robinson & Garry Ingraham
73: Young, Ethnic, & Gay: Finding Help in Jesus | Jireh Batulan & Jeremiah Sheppard
72: Why are we here? | Jeremiah Sheppard & Garry Ingraham
71: Transgender: Psychological condition or ideology? | GameChangers Interview, Part 4
70: Why Can't a Christian Just Be Gay? | GameChangers Interview, Part 3
69: Church Should Never Be a Country Club! | GameChangers Interview, Part 2
68: Garry & Melissa Interviewed by Game Changers | Love & Truth Network
67: Out and Proud to Ministry Leader | Sarah Sedgwick & Jeremiah Sheppard
66: Beyond Behavior: It’s About Identity | Highlands Church & Garry Ingraham
65: Parenting In An Age Gone Mad, Part 2 | Pastor John Hawco & Garry Ingraham
64: Parenting In An Age Gone Mad | John Hawco & Garry Ingraham
61: Real Men in God's Church | Jason Howard and Garry Ingraham, Part 2
60: Redeeming the Imagination & Power of Story, Part 1 | Jason Howard & Garry Ingraham
59: Transgender Drug Addict, Until God Rescued Me | Jeffrey Johnson & Garry Ingraham
58: A Discussion Regarding "Gay Christianity" | Robert Gagnon & Garry Ingraham
57: Russell Jones Interviews Garry Ingraham | Love & Truth Network
56: The Cost of Resisting | Aaron Edwards & Garry Ingraham
55: What About Gay Weddings? | Garry Ingraham
54: Ending the Conveyor Belt of Abortion | Samuel Green & Garry Ingraham
53: American Journalism Isn't Dead, Yet. | Brandon Showalter & Garry Ingraham
52: a Parent's Total Nightmare | Erin Friday & Garry Ingraham
51: Same-sex Attracted, Isolated, and Desperate | Ken Williams & Garry Ingraham
50: The True Heartbreak of Parents | Leslie Gunby & Garry Ingraham
49: James Reeves & Garry Ingraham | We Need Disciples, Not Pharisees!
48: Caleb Hyers & Garry Ingraham, Part 2 | Love & Truth Network
47: Caleb Hyers interviews Garry Ingraham | Love & Truth Network
46: Does Christian Brotherhood Still Matter? | Richard Matteson & Garry Ingraham
45: The Commodification of Children | Katy Faust & Garry Ingraham
44: Porn & Sex Addiction are Women's Issues Too, Part 2 | Laura Leigh Stanlake & Garry Ingraham
43: Porn & Sex Addiction are Women's Issues Too! | Laura Leigh Stanlake & Garry Ingraham
42: God's Command for Community | Garry & Melissa Ingraham
41: Gossip is an Abomination | Garry Ingraham
40: Doesn't God Hate me if I'm a Porn Addict? | Joseph Thissen & Garry Ingraham
39: How God Intervenes in a Transgender Life | Kathy Grace & Garry Ingraham
38: From Militant Progressive to Following Jesus | Erin Everitt & Garry Ingraham
37: When a Trans Person de-Transitions, Part Two | Ted Halley & Garry Ingraham
36: When a Trans Person de-Transitions | Ted Halley & Garry Ingraham
35: Confessions of a Former Christian Poser, Part Two | Jeremiah Sheppard & Garry Ingraham
34: Confessions of a Former Christian Poser | Jeremiah Sheppard & Garry Ingraham
33: Transgenderism and the Church | Dr. Andre Van Mol & Garry Ingraham
32: Leaving LGBTQ+ for Jesus | Love & Truth Network
31: Parents of LGBTQ+ Children | Gene Eggman & Garry Ingraham
30: Freedom in Christ for Christians? | Dan Studt & Garry Ingraham
29: The Vital Role of Ministry | Anne Paulk & Garry Ingraham
28: Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction | Cole Atkinson & Garry Ingraham
27: From Christian Cult to Abusive Marriage | Paula Mosher Wallace & Garry Ingraham
26: Sexual Abuse in the Protestant Church, Part 2 | Faith Ingraham & Garry Ingraham
25: Sexual abuse in the Protestant Church | Garry Ingraham & Dale Ingraham
24: Becky Sisneros & Garry Ingraham, Part 2 | Love & Truth Network
23: Life After Severe Sexual Abuse | Becky Sisneros & Garry Ingraham
22: Hollywood Illusions & Hidden Pain in Living LGBTQ | George Carneal & Garry Ingraham
21: A Message to Pastors & Strugglers | Love & Truth Network
20: Viewpoints from the Pastor | Ashley Wooldridge & Garry Ingraham
19: How to Minister to Sexually Broken People | Jeffrey Rickman & Garry Ingraham
18: Part 2: What Does it Really Mean to Carry One Another's Burdens? | Dave Cottrell & Garry Ingraham
17: Part 1: What Does it Really Mean to Carry One Another's Burdens? | Dave Cottrell & Garry Ingraham
16: When Godly Pastoring Meets Sexual Brokenness | John Hawco & Garry Ingraham, Part 2
15: Spiritual Warfare for the Sexually Afflicted, Part One | John Hawco & Garry Ingraham
13: Dark Side of "Pride" | Richard Hoffman & Garry Ingraham
12: Transgenderism & Collateral Damage | Garry Ingraham & Denise Shick
11: How do we as Christians respond to "Pride" Month? | Love & Truth Network
10: Humility & Honor | Love & Truth Network
14: Courageous Christianity | Garry Ingraham
9: What About Single People? | Garry Ingraham
8: Healing Kids Identity | Ken Silva & Garry Ingraham
7: Friends & Family | Garry Ingraham
6: Identity Matters | Garry Ingraham
5: Such Were Some of You | Ron Citlau & Garry Ingraham
4: Raw & Authentic | Matthew Zehr & Garry Ingraham
3: Gay Christianity | Joe Dallas & Garry Ingraham
2: Conversion Therapy? | Julie Hamilton & Garry Ingraham
1: Where We're Going | Garry & Melissa Ingraham